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Christi Kirk, RCST Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist

Meet Christi

Christi Kirk, RCST® 

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist


Trained in the field of Biodynamic Cranioscral Therapy (BCST) and practices in Capitola/Santa Cruz, California.  Early influences and mentors: John Amaral, DC,  Dr. Steven Porges,  Gary Petersen, RCST, PTP.   Specializes in back/neck/headache relief and trauma resolution. 


What is BCST?  A light hands on somatic bodywork that calms the central nervous system.  BCST helps to release stress and trauma from the body and brings us into a state of balance and profound calm.  It is in stillness that reorganization and resolve take place in the body and held stress and trauma can be resolved.  Why BCST?  Medical research estimates that up to 90% of disease and illness are stress related.


I invite you to join me as we co- create your healing through this deeply restorative and transformative session work.  


Babies love Craniosacral

Babies and Children

Christi has brought me into deep relaxation and profound insight with her practice.  I usually come in frazzled and leave centered and light in spirit.  I'm going through a transitional time in my life and feel supported in body and soul going to Christi.  Her space is beautiful and serene.  She is intuitive and insightful. It's a lovely experience I would recommend to anyone seeking recharging with gentle support and guidance.  Laurie Stern

Client Reviews

If you haven't had a chance to experience a Craniosacral treatment, I highly recommend booking an appointment with this amazing healer.  From the first five minutes I felt like I was in a perfectly relaxed dream state and I left the session walking on air.  Definitely don't underestimate the potency of this particular kind of work, for me it was more like the effects of a float tank than any other session I've had.  I'm so looking forward to my next one!  Nicole Dickenson-Smith
I have been seeing Christi for a few months now and she is such a gifted healer that possesses the most beautiful spirit and heart.  She has been instrumental in helping me with high stress and deeper rooted  anger and with every session, I feel renewed, lighter and just simply joyous.  I highly recommend Christi and I always look forward to my next session with her.  Terri Stevens
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